Author: Taro Omiya
Ludum Dare 31 today!
Reminder that Ludum Dare rolls in later tonight! Happen to live near Troy, NY? Check us out at Tech Valley Game Space: We’ll be streaming the process for all 4 days: Watch live video from TechValleyGameSpace on
Ludum Dare 31 at Tech Valley Game Space
Hello, everyone. I’ll be helping out Tech Valley Game Space at organizing the internet’s largest online Game Jam, Ludum Dare 31 at Troy, NY! Join in the fun, crazy mess as we develop a video game within 72 hours. Haven’t been to a Ludum Dare yet? Not to worry! We’ll be presenting on how…
#WeeklyGameMusic: Dawn of a New Day (The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Remix)
#WeeklyGameMusic: New week, new music. Since it’s Thanksgiving weekend, let’s take a break at one of the greatest Zelda remixes of all time: Theophany’s Dawn of a New Day. This game needs no introduction: in the Nintendo cult-classic Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, you have three days. Three days before the moon falls, and obliterates…
#WeeklyGameMusic: It’s Kill or Be Killed Mix (No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle)
#WeeklyGameMusic: New week, new music. “No more heroes, it’s kill or be killed” describes No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle pretty darn well in this red hot chili pepper theme music. Indeed, Yoshioka Taku Squad’s remix of Masafumi Takada’s original composition does an excellent job satirizing the excitement of violent medium…when the same actions replicated…
Developer Plays: Suddenly, Thousand
Hey, guys. We’re trying something new here at Omiya Games and Tech Valley Game Space by scheduling events during our live streams. First up with be a Developer Plays (a play on Let’s Plays) Suddenly, Thousand, where we play and comment on our own game. This will be a great opportunity to see what the…
I’m developing daily, live at!
Want to check out how I’m working? Tech Valley Game Space now has a live stream at broadcasted between 2:00 pm to 12:00 am daily (except holidays). I’m working with Jamey Stevenson and his team from Spoony Bird to create the best game development office possible. Feel free to follow us, and even chat…