Category: Game Development
How to Split Up an Existing Unity Git Project into Smaller Unity Packages
Update 4/29/2020: indicated new dependencies added in Template Unity Package under Step 8 that should be left in the asmdef files. After years of making a ton of Unity games, I’ve accumulated a lot of tools that are gathered into a single Template Unity Project that I start every game jam project in. That said,…
Ludum Dare 31 today!
Reminder that Ludum Dare rolls in later tonight! Happen to live near Troy, NY? Check us out at Tech Valley Game Space: We’ll be streaming the process for all 4 days: Watch live video from TechValleyGameSpace on
I’m developing daily, live at!
Want to check out how I’m working? Tech Valley Game Space now has a live stream at broadcasted between 2:00 pm to 12:00 am daily (except holidays). I’m working with Jamey Stevenson and his team from Spoony Bird to create the best game development office possible. Feel free to follow us, and even chat…
The Struggle of Moving
Compared to last week where a new Patreon page has been announced, this week wasn’t very eventful for Omiya Games. To be honest, I didn’t realize I had a lot more stuff left to do since I moved from Maryland to New York last week. Much of my time has been filling all the necessary…
Live-Streaming “Let’s Play Ludum Dare 26” at 11:00 pm, EST
I’ll be live streaming on at 9:30 pm 11:00 pm, Eastern Time. [social_share/]
Live Streaming Ludum Dare 26 (#OneGameAMonth April’s Entry)! live video from Taro Omiya on