Tag: Game Development
Thoughts on Unreal 5 Reveal So Far
Been thinking about the latest Unreal 5 game engine reveal. In particular, since I work as an independent game develop and gameplay programmer, the things I tend to seek for in a new game engine is what features it provides, and with it, what cool game mechanics and systems I could implement. From that perspective,…
How to Split Up an Existing Unity Git Project into Smaller Unity Packages
Update 4/29/2020: indicated new dependencies added in Template Unity Package under Step 8 that should be left in the asmdef files. After years of making a ton of Unity games, I’ve accumulated a lot of tools that are gathered into a single Template Unity Project that I start every game jam project in. That said,…
Looking into 2020
Starting in mid-2014, I’ve made a serious attempt at going independent with the funds I’ve gathered from work. Naturally, it follows that my goals has been to become self-sustaining. The theme for 2020, however, is stability in a different way: I’ll be dedicating a significant portion of my time improving my online presence and seeking…
Global Game Jam 2013
Hey, everyone. Global Game Jam is less than a day away, and I figured it’ll be a good time to provide some practical advice from a seasoned jammer who’ve went through 3 Global Game Jams, and at least 5 local, 8-hour Game Jams. How it works Before we get to the advice section, though, here’s…
Interview: Startup Gamers about developing SWARM!
We’ve had an interview from Startup Gamers about our game project, SWARM! Check it out!